Colorful Minds

Colorful Minds

Colorful Minds represents contemporary jewelry artists in the United States who use enameling as their primary medium. These artists explore enameling techniques by introducing contemporary interpretations to the historical medium. They express themselves using visual language, reflecting their narratives through  innovative techniques and materials, as well as new technology to experiment and challenge the traditional craft.   

Colorful Minds is an international curatorial project started in 2022 in response to the global Covid-19 pandemic. Throughout the pandemic, the color of humanity seemed to turn dark and gray as we lost our daily human interactions and so many lives. This project is largely dedicated to contemporary enameling, jewelry, and objects; by featuring bold, whimsical, and colorful enamel, we hope to convey positive energy to those who endured all the difficulties and challenges of the pandemic.   

Featuring artists: Jessica Calderwood, Sunyoung Cheong, Zachery Lechtenberg, Sharon Massey, Marissa Saneholtz, and Jina Seo

Exhibition Dates: April 7 - May 19, 2023

with an opening reception on Friday, April 7th, 2023 from 5 - 8 pm.