The One and the Many

The One and the Many

A Metal Shop Exhibition of Art and Production Jewelry

In our attempt to categorize, we rush to organize makers into those that make works of art and those that make production work, but rarely are the boundaries so distinct. The One and the Many illustrates the reciprocal relationship between singular works and the production practice of the Baltimore Jewelry Center’s Metal Shop artists. The exhibition asks the viewer to examine the cycles of making, as one type of work leads to another. Does the repetition of production lead to a blossoming of individual works, or is the autonomous artwork inspiration for a market friendly line of pieces? The One and the Many breaks down the hierarchy between these two categories and asks the audience to consider a making practice where production and art are facets of a larger whole.

Featuring art and production work by: Eliana Arenas, Adam Atkinson, Erica Bello, James Betts, Ashley Buchanan, Raissa Bump, Liz Clark, Kelly Jean Conroy, Ben Cooke-Akaiwa, Cara Jane Golden, Joanna Gollberg, Morgan Hill, Everett Hoffman, Sarah Holden, Lydia Martin, Mary Raviel, Samira Saheli, Leslie Shershow, Molly Shulman, Rho Tang, Kelly Temple, Francesca Vitali, April Wood, Taylor Zarkades King, & Elaine Zukowski

Image details: Morgan Hill, Restore Your Agency IV, Various scorched woods, resin, and magnets

Exhibition dates: September 2nd - September 30th

An opening reception was held on Friday, September 2, 2022, 5-8pm.